Over the course of the last decade as I have built my online travel business, I have come to respect and read a number of different resources having to do with travel. Sometimes it’s a simple blog and other times it’s a grand website.
Either way, I thought it would be a useful resource to share with you some of the travel websites that I find most interesting and helpful to read. If you think I might enjoy your site as well, please contact me and I’ll give it a look!
Useful Travel Links by Renegade Travels
Below are the links divided into two different categories: China/SE Asia as well as general travel websites and blogs.
China/ SE Asia Travel Sites
- Travel China Cheaper: Tips and ideas for traveling through China on a budget.
- Xinjiang | FarWestChina: The ultimate resource on China’s largest region known as Xinjiang.
- Sapore de Cina: tales, images and flavors of China. A great China resource!
- Adventures Around Asia: Expat, traveler, and spicy food lover, spent the last few years living in China and traveling around Asia.
- Beijing Expat Guide: Helpful tips and advice for those people planning to move to China as an expat.
General Travel Sites / Blogs
- Sharon Travelogue: An Indonesian Food & Travel Blogger who enjoys sharing the love of traveling and eating.
- Nomadic Notes: Long term travel blog run by James.
- Backpacking Travel Blog: A website full of adventures and helpful tips for travel.
- Nomadic Samuel: A quirky, fun and informative travel website.
- That Backpacker: A full time travel blogger, photographer, YouTube video maker, and freelance travel writer.
- Smiling Faces Travel Photos: A fun travel website and travel photo blog that will open your eyes to new adventures.
- Geeky Explorer: A digital savvy with a passion for travel.
- Karolina and Patryk: Both citizens of the world. Travelling, inspiring and blogging about life.