Toul Sleng Genocide Museum is a must-see for most visitors to Phnom Penh. This museum is the former security office 21 that was created by Pol Pot. It was known as S-21, and was used for detention, interrogation, torture and murder of detainees.

Before this building was converted to S-21, it housed Toul Sleng Primary School and Toul Svay Prey High School. Building “A” has three stories divided up into 20 cells. These cells were used to jail, interrogate and torture prisoners who had been high officials of the Pol Pot regime.

14 corpses were discovered in Building “A”, and these are thought to have been the last prisoners to be killed before Pol Pot’s regime was overcome. The corpses included one female victim. These victims are buried in a plot opposite the building.

It wasn’t only adults that were tortured and killed. There were also many child victims.

The museum has areas that show images of the victims and also many torture images. It’s very gruesome to think about what went on in those building.

Also on display are many of the torture implements. It’s difficult to comprehend just how barbaric the Pol Pot regime was.

Some of the buildings have tiny prison cells, with barely enough room to turn around. It must have been horrendous for the prisoners that were housed there.

If you’re visiting Phnom Penh, I highly recommend that you visit this museum. Entry fee is $2. Guides are available at the museum.
Video Of Torture Cells At S-21
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